This year, we have decided to present brand new podcast episodes from our first series ever. Is this concept new to you?

A podcast is an audio program, just like a radio show, to which you can subscribe using a computer, tablet or smartphone and listen to whenever you like. Radio stations are actually turning their existing shows, the most popular ones, into podcasts too!

Why did we decide it make sense for us to create Boyum Podcasts? There are more than 850,000 active podcasts and more than 30 million podcast episodes available online for anyone in the world to listen to. According to Apple at WWDC 2018, these numbers stood at 550,000 and 18.5 million respectively, so they have been rapidly increasing!

If we isolate the United States as an example, back in 2017 50% of all US homes already had podcast fans, and in 2019 51% of the US population had already listened to a podcast at least once. The percentage is now 55%, which means 155 million Americans are familiar with this format.

We know our partners and their prospects are often busy and wanted to make it easier for them to learn more about our solutions, the materials we have available and constantly update to meet their needs, the story behind our company and who we sponsor, and so much more.

It is our goal to make our path and company culture an inspiration not only for our internal team, but to everyone we have a work relationship with, so our desire is to make the professional bond between Boyum IT, the partners and the clients stronger by creating and providing the best tools and informing you about the ones you didn’t find by yourself.

Without having to concentrate all your efforts and attention to watch our videos or read our brochures, you can now learn while dealing with other tasks at work or driving home with our podcasts. We would love to hear from you if you have any ideas on how we can improve at that or anything else, anytime!